Problem Solving Games, Videos and Worksheets
Learning math isn’t just about mastering the basics. The larger goal of math instruction is to help children develop problem-solving skills. Once kids have the tools, they need to be able to apply those tools to a variety of problems and come up with effective solutions.
Through Math Game Time’s free problem solving videos, children learn how to solve word problems and apply their math skills to other scenarios. The free worksheets complement these videos nicely by having children test their problem-solving skills on their own. From there, children can move to solving problems at they play our free problem solving games which help them feel confident that they can solve any problem that comes their way.
Through Math Game Time’s free problem solving videos, children learn how to solve word problems and apply their math skills to other scenarios. The free worksheets complement these videos nicely by having children test their problem-solving skills on their own. From there, children can move to solving problems at they play our free problem solving games which help them feel confident that they can solve any problem that comes their way.